80 DATA Analytic Geometry,ANALYTIC.GEOM,Bases,BASES,Combinations and Permutations,COMB.AND.PERM,Complex Numbers,COMPLEX.NUMBERS,"Congruences, etc.",CONGRUENCES,Constants and Formulas,CONSTANTS,Fractions,FRACTIONS,"F(X) and F(X,Y)",RUN
90 DATA Large Numbers,LARGE.NUMBERS,Linear Equations and Matrices,LIN.EQ.MATRICES,Polynomials of a Single Variable,POLYNOMIALS.INX,Prime Factors and Divisors of Integers,PRIME.FACTORS,Roots of a Polynomial,SOLVEPOLYNOMIAL
95 DATA Statistics Values for 1 and 2 Variables,STAT,Trigonometry,TRIGONOMETRY,Documentation,DOCUMENTATION,Index,I,Disk CATALOG,D,Quit,Q
100 RESTORE : FOR K = 1 TO 19: READ P$(K),N$(K): NEXT :K = 1: ONERR GOTO 115
120 I = PEEK(771):I = I *(I >0 AND I = <J) +(I <1 OR I >J):V(17) = 1:V(18) = 1:V(19) = 1: CALL 54915:B = 0: GOSUB 360: PRINT A$" V3.0 by Spence (Micky) Earnshaw";: POKE 1403,53: PRINT "(c) 1993 by Softdisk, Inc.": PRINT
130 POKE 1403,10: PRINT "Highlight your option with the arrow keys, then hit RETURN.": GOSUB 330: ONERR GOTO 690
140 FOR K = 1 TO J: VTAB K +4: POKE 1403,18 -(K >9): IF V(K) THEN PRINT K". ";: GOTO 148
145 PRINT SPC( 3 +(K >9));
150 VTAB I +4: POKE 1403,21: INVERSE : PRINT P$(I);: NORMAL : POKE 771,I: GOSUB 30: IF A = 13 THEN 200
160 IF A < >8 AND A < >10 AND A < >11 AND A < >21 THEN 150
170 VTAB I +4: POKE 1403,21: PRINT P$(I);: IF A = 21 OR A = 10 THEN I = I +1: IF I >J THEN I = 1
180 IF A = 8 OR A = 11 THEN I = I -1: IF I = 0 THEN I = J
190 GOTO 150
200 PRINT : HOME : IF I = 8 THEN M$(1) = "Find F(X) when F(X) is a polynomial":M$(2) = "Find F(X,Y) for a linear or quadratic polynomial":N = 2:V = C:E = 6:H = 17: GOSUB 260:C = V:I = 11: IF V -E = 2 THEN I = 1: ON V -E GOTO 420,370
210 IF I = 16 THEN GOTO 660
220 IF I = 18 THEN PRINT "<CTRL-0x04>CATALOG": PRINT : GOSUB 340: GOTO 120
230 ON I GOTO 370,590,600,400,530,630,580,10,620,470,420,500,450,390,550,10,740,10,700
240 VTAB 24: POKE 1403,25: INVERSE : PRINT "RETURN to run...ESC=Disk Menu";: NORMAL : GOSUB 30: HOME
260 VTAB 1: POKE 1403,0: PRINT A$" by Micky Earnshaw";: POKE 1403,66: PRINT "Esc=Disk Menu": GOSUB 330: POKE 1403,40 - LEN(P$(I))/2: PRINT P$(I): GOSUB 330: PRINT "Highlight your option with arrow keys or a number from 1 to "N"...then hit RETURN"
270 FOR K = 1 TO N: VTAB E +K: POKE 1403,H -3: PRINT K"."M$(K);: NEXT
280 VTAB V: POKE 1403,H -1: INVERSE : PRINT M$(V -E);: NORMAL : GOSUB 30: IF A >48 AND A <49 +N THEN VTAB V: POKE 1403,H -1: PRINT M$(V -E);:V = A +E -48: GOTO 280
300 VTAB V: POKE 1403,H -1: PRINT M$(V -E): IF A = 21 OR A = 10 THEN V = V +1: IF V = E +1 +N THEN V = E +1
310 IF A = 8 OR A = 11 THEN V = V -1: IF V = E THEN V = E +N
320 GOTO 280
330 POKE 1403,0: FOR A = 1 TO 78: PRINT "=";: NEXT : PRINT "=": RETURN
340 IF PR = 0 THEN VTAB 24: POKE 1403,23: INVERSE : PRINT "RETURN to continue; ESC=Disk Menu";: NORMAL : GOSUB 30: HOME
360 ONERR GOTO 369
361 PRINT : PRINT "<CTRL-0x04>PR#0":PR = 0: PRINT "<CTRL-0x04>PR#3": TEXT : HOME : PRINT : VTAB 1: RETURN
370 GOSUB 670: PRINT "-Solves problems with/finds equations involving lines & points.<CTRL-0x0d><CTRL-0x0d>-Translates/rotates coordinate axes for points & linear/quadratic polynomials.<CTRL-0x0d><CTRL-0x0d>-Finds equations of circles and parabolas.": PRINT
380 PRINT "-Identifies a general conic/quadratic polynomial.<CTRL-0x0d>": PRINT "-Finds F(X,Y), solution pairs (X,Y), and points of intersection for linear and quadratic polynomials.<CTRL-0x0d>": PRINT "-Converts between rectangular & polar coordinates.": GOTO 240
390 GOSUB 670: PRINT "-Finds the Mean, Median, Mode, etc. for 1 and 2 variables.": PRINT : PRINT "-'Smooths' a finite set of ordinates.": GOTO 240
400 M$ = "COMPLEX.NUMBERS": GOSUB 670: PRINT "-Converts any complex number in standard form into polar & exponential form, and visa versa.": PRINT : POKE 1403,21: PRINT "FOR ANY COMPLEX NUMBER IN STANDARD FORM": PRINT : PRINT "-Raises it to a real or complex power.<CTRL-0x0d>"
410 PRINT "-Finds all N Nth roots for positive integral N<2001.<CTRL-0x0d>": PRINT "-Lists elementary functions (exponential, trigonometric, hyperbolic).<CTRL-0x0d>": PRINT "-Adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides any 2 complex numbers.": GOTO 240
430 PRINT "-Creates a polynomial with given roots - accepts both real & imaginary roots.": PRINT : PRINT "-Finds all N+1 derivatives, and the antiderivative.": PRINT : PRINT "-Multiplies or divides 2 polynomials.": PRINT
440 PRINT "-Raises a polynomial to a positive integral power.": PRINT : PRINT "-Finds F(X) for any real or complex number X.": PRINT : PRINT "-Multiplies or divides all coefficients by a constant.": GOTO 240
450 GOSUB 670: POKE 1403,7: PRINT "FOR A POLYNOMIAL Y = F(X) WITH REAL COEFFICIENTS - TO DEGREE 50": PRINT : PRINT "-Finds real* roots. The program first looks for rational roots. It then searches for irrational roots.": PRINT
460 PRINT "-Improves the accuracy of a known root.": VTAB 21: PRINT "*It will also find complex roots of any polynomial of degree 2 or 3 (including the 'depressed' polynomial).": GOTO 240
470 GOSUB 670: PRINT "-Solves N simultaneous linear equations.<CTRL-0x0d><CTRL-0x0d>-Creates N simultaneous linear equations.<CTRL-0x0d><CTRL-0x0d>-Calculates up to a 7x7 determinant.<CTRL-0x0d><CTRL-0x0d>-Row reduces an MxN matrix.": PRINT
480 PRINT "-Finds the inverse of an NxN matrix.": PRINT : PRINT "-Finds the transpose of an MxN matrix.": PRINT : PRINT "-Adds, subtracts, & multiplies 2 matrices. Raises a matrix to a power.": PRINT
490 PRINT "-Finds coefficients of an Nth degree polynomial when N+1 values of X and the corresponding F(X) are input.": VTAB 22: PRINT "Note: M and N can be any positive integers up to 25.": GOTO 240
500 GOSUB 670: PRINT "-Finds prime factors of, all divisors of, and integers relatively prime to any integer less than 4,294,967,297.": PRINT
510 PRINT "-Finds the greatest common divisor and the least common multiple of any number of integers.": PRINT : PRINT "-Reduces a fraction to lowest terms.": PRINT
520 PRINT "-Lists prime numbers or twin primes...": PRINT " -You determine the starting number, and the number": PRINT " (a)up to which primes are listed.": PRINT " (b)of primes that are listed.": GOTO 240
530 GOSUB 670: PRINT "-Finds solutions in integers for a linear equation in 2 unknowns with integral coefficients.": PRINT : PRINT "-Solves a single linear congruence.<CTRL-0x0d><CTRL-0x0d>-Solves up to 30 simultaneous linear congruences."
540 PRINT : PRINT "-Represents A/B as a continued fraction, and vice versa.": PRINT : PRINT "-Lists quadratic residues modulo M.": PRINT : PRINT "-Finds the GCD and LCM of up to 30 numbers.": GOTO 240
550 GOSUB 670: PRINT "-Converts angles between degrees-radians-gradients-deg/min/sec, and lists the 6 trigonometric functions in any one of these 4 modes.": PRINT : PRINT "-Solves any triangle - input 3 pieces ";
560 PRINT "of information and get back 3 sides,": PRINT " 3 angles, 3 altitudes, the area, and the radii of the inscribed and circumscribed circles. Gives BOTH solutions of ambiguous cases."
570 PRINT : PRINT "-Solves equations of the form AsinX + BcosX = C, for X.": GOTO 240
580 GOSUB 670: PRINT "-Adds, subtracts, multiplies, & divides fractions.": PRINT : PRINT "-Reduces a fraction to lowest terms.": PRINT : PRINT "-Converts a repeating decimal number into a proper fraction.": GOTO 240
590 GOSUB 670: PRINT "-Converts a number (integer or decimal) in one base into its equivalent in any other base - from base 2 to base 36.": GOTO 240
600 M$ = "COMB.AND.PERM.": GOSUB 670: PRINT "-Lists all permutations or combinations of N characters taken M at a time.<CTRL-0x0d>": PRINT " Choose the N characters yourself, or let the computer choose. You decide whether repetition of characters is";
610 PRINT " permitted.": PRINT : PRINT "-Lists N! (N Factorial) for N=0 to N=36.": GOTO 240
620 GOSUB 670: PRINT "-Adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides and raises to a positive integral power decimal numbers up to 250 digits long.": PRINT : PRINT "-Calculates N! (N Factorial) for N=0 to N=257.": GOTO 240
630 GOSUB 670: PRINT "-Lists the values of pi and e to 24 decimal places (along with some close rational approximations to each).": PRINT : PRINT "-Lists conversion constants between degrees and radians.": PRINT
640 PRINT "-Lists the first 57 Fibonacci Numbers.": PRINT : PRINT "-Lists N! (N Factorial) for N=0 to N=36."
650 PRINT : PRINT "-Lets you play with the 1st 5000 decimal digits of pi.": PRINT : PRINT "-Lists formulas for the most common plane and solid geometric figures.": GOTO 240
660 GOSUB 670: PRINT "-Prints documentation on your printer or on the screen for the "A$: PRINT " collection of programs.": GOTO 240
670 M$ = N$(I): VTAB 1: INVERSE : POKE 1403,40 - LEN(M$)/2: PRINT M$;: NORMAL : IF F = 10 THEN PRINT " Disk "Q(I);
680 PRINT : PRINT : POKE 1403,29: PRINT "- The program above -": VTAB 5: RETURN
690 IF B = 0 THEN HOME : VTAB 7: PRINT M$" was not found!<CTRL-0x07><CTRL-0x07>": PRINT : PRINT "Please insert the correct disk into the currently active disk drive.": GOTO 240
700 B = 1: HOME :M$(1) = "Return to the Disk Menu":M$(2) = "Quit":N = 2:H = 24:V = 7:E = 6: GOSUB 260: IF V -E = 1 THEN 120
710 PRINT "<CTRL-0x04>BYE"
730 FOR A = 1 TO 6:M$(A) = "Boot up a disk in slot #" + STR$(A +(A >2)): NEXT :N = 6:V = 7:E = 6:H = 28: GOSUB 260: PRINT "<CTRL-0x04>PR#"; RIGHT$(M$(V -E),1)
740 POKE 1403,30: INVERSE : PRINT A$" Index": NORMAL : POKE 1403,11: PRINT "Numbers in [ ] after entries refer to the programs below.": GOSUB 330: VTAB 1: POKE 1403,0: PRINT "Arrow keys:Advance/Retreat";: POKE 1403,66: PRINT "ESC:Disk Menu": VTAB 4
780 DATA Analytic geometry [1],Angle...," -between 2 lines [1]"," -convert between [15]"," -of a complex number [4]",Antiderivative of a polynomial [1]
790 DATA Average [14],Bases [2],Binomial Coefficients [6],"Circles [1,6]",Combinations [3],"Complex numbers [4,11,13]"
860 DATA " -linear diophantine equation [5]"," -parabola [1]"," -polynomial Y=F(X) [1,10,11,13]","Factorials [3,9]",Factors of an integer [12],Fibonacci numbers [6]
870 DATA Formulas [6],"Fractions [8,12]","F(X), find when given X [11]","F(X,Y), find when given X & Y [1]",Geometry formulas [6],Greatest common divisor [12]
880 DATA "Imaginary numbers [4,11,13]",Intercepts [1],Intersection points [1],Inverse of a matrix [10],Large (real) numbers [9]
890 DATA Least common multiple [12],Linear...," -congruences [5]"," -equations [1,5,10,11,13]",Lines [1],Matrices [10],Mean [14],Median [14]
900 DATA Mode [14],Parabola [1],Permutations [3],pi [6]
910 DATA Points [1],Polar...," -form of a complex number [4]"," -to Cartesian conversion [1]"
920 DATA Polynomials...," -in X [1,10,11,13]"," -in X & Y [1,5,10]",Powers...," -complex numbers [4]"," -matrices [10]"
930 DATA " -polynomials [11]"," -real numbers [9]",Prime factors [12],Prime numbers [12],Quadratic residues [5],"Ratio, divide a line segment into [1]"
940 DATA "Reduce a fraction [8,12]",Regression line [14],Residue system [12],Roots of...," -AsinX + BcosX = C [15]"," -complex numbers [4]"
950 DATA " -linear equations [1,5,10,13]"," -linear congruences [5]"," -polynomials in 1 variable [1,11,13]"," -polynomials in 2 variables [1,5,10]"
960 DATA Rotate coordinate axes [1],Row reduce a matrix [10],Slope [1],Solve a...," -conic [1]"," -polynomial Y=F(X), given N values"
970 DATA " of X & F(X) [10]"," -triangle [15]"," -also, see Roots",Standard Deviation [14],Statistics [14],Translate coordinate axes [1]
980 DATA Transpose of a matrix [10],Triangle...," -formulas for [6]"," -solution of [15]","Trigonometry [4,15]",Twin primes [12]
990 HOME : FOR A = H TO H +14: PRINT I$(A);: POKE 1403,39: PRINT I$(A +15): NEXT
1000 GOSUB 30: IF A = 8 OR A = 11 THEN H = (H -30) *(H >30) +( INT(Z/30) *30 +1) *(H = <30): GOTO 990
1010 IF (A = 10 OR A = 13 OR A = 21) AND H +29 <Z THEN H = H +30: GOTO 990
1020 IF A = 10 OR A = 13 OR A = 21 THEN H = 1: GOTO 990